Nourishing Your Senses & Values: How to Harness the Power of the New Moon in Taurus

Nourishing Your Senses & Values: How to Harness the Power of the New Moon in Taurus

New Moons present an opportunity for new beginnings; there may be a feeling or desire brewing within for some sort of change. New Moons are a time for planting seeds, birthing ideas and starting fresh. Creatively speaking, inspiration could be residing somewhere just beneath the surface, barely breaking into conscious thought. This is a good time to nourish your mind with books, listen to dreams that inspire ideas, or take a current project on a new path.

Give yourself ample space to listen to the little voice inside you -- evaluate areas of your life you'd like to direct your energy. Since the New Moon is in a different zodiac sign each month, it has a different feel to it, which you can use to guide you as you set intentions for the new lunar cycle. Seeds planted at the New Moon of a particular sign can come to fruition at the Full Moon of that sign approximately six months later.

New Moon in Taurus

 The New Moon in Taurus slows down energy levels, presenting an opportunity to mull over more practical concerns of everyday life; this can motivate you to work hard, but still encourage you to take it easy and enjoy.

The main theme of a Taurus New Moon is one of manifestation, bringing energies that are sensual, earthy, and imaginative, but also sensible and grounded, so that your creation will be anchored, and rooted in reality.

The New Moon can be an antidote for Taurus' tendency to be over-cautious, allowing creative energy to reign free. The urge to create will dominate; take a carefully calculated risk. This is an opportune time to start testing new monetary strategies, and is also great for experimenting with touch, taste, sound, or anything that will arouse the senses. Be mindful, as Taurus is a fixed sign, so you will have more than one chance. Don't give up, persevere.

The New Moon in Taurus brings a grounded energy that invites us to connect with our senses, values, and material comforts. Each zodiac sign can work with this New Moon's energy in different ways to maximize its potential. Here are some best practices for each zodiac sign to work with the energies of the upcoming New Moon in Taurus:

Taurus New Moon - Through the Signs

Aries - Your money zone is activated; focus on your finances and material possessions. This is an ideal time to create a budget and set financial goals that align with your values, and come up with new money making ideas. Be ambitious!

Taurus - As the New Moon occurs in your sign, use this time to set intentions related to your physical well-being and personal values. This is a mini new year for you: revisit how things are going & plan ahead for the rest of the year. Focus on self-care practices that nourish your body and soul.

Gemini - This is a very good time to learn a new skill, especially one that will serve you well in your career; it will bring much satisfaction

Cancer - This New Moon signals a clean-up at home - like de-cluttering your space, getting new bedding or furniture. This is an ideal time to put energy into making your home environment cozy, and creating a sense of sanctuary in your home.

Leo - This New Moon presents an opportunity to put energy toward your creative side, cultivate self-love, and embrace your senses. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure. As a Leo, you likely have a strong appreciation for beauty and aesthetics, so use this New Moon to indulge your senses.

VirgoUse this New Moon's energy to focus on your physical health and well-being. This is an ideal time to start a new health & wellness routine, adopt healthy habits and focus on self-care practices that nourish your body. Try looking into holistic wellness, or alternative medicines.

Libra - Your love & relationships zone is highlighted here, so this New Moon may present an opportunity to plant seeds for a new relationship or redefine an existing one.

Scorpio - This is a good opportunity for try out shadow work, counseling, or therapy. Emotional honesty & clarity are high priority, and you know what's needed to make psychological progress.

Sagittarius - As a Sagittarius, you may have a tendency to dream big and aim for the stars; Taurus is an earth sign, and the New Moon in Taurus is an excellent time to set practical, achievable goals, as Taurus can help ground your goals with practicality.

Capricorn - Use this New Moon's energy to focus on your professional goals and career aspirations. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your career and seek out new opportunities. As a fellow Earth sign, Taurus can help ground these goals, something that Saturn-ruled Capricorns can appreciate.

Aquarius - This New Moon's energy can help you focus on your relationships and social connections. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your partnerships, seek out new friendships, or even pay it forward through some form of charitable work.

PiscesReflect on your inner values and beliefs. It's an ideal time to focus on your spiritual growth and seek out practices that nourish your soul. Release any guilt you've been carrying - feel into a new sense of understanding and know that you are enough.

Taurus New Moon - Through the Houses

If you know your birth time and location, you can get a copy of your birth chart and take a look in which house Taurus is located. This can give insight into where in your life this energy can be maximized. If you do not know your birth time, don't despair - the reading for your Sun sign can still provide valuable insights!


First House: House related to physical appearance and personal values. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your self-image and how you want to be perceived by others.

Second House: House related to finances and material possessions. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your income, budget, and financial goals.

Third House: House of communication skills and community involvement. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your writing, speaking, and networking skills.

Fourth House: House of home and family life. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your living situation, family relationships, and emotional well-being.

Fifth House: House of creative expression and romantic relationships. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your artistic talents, hobbies, and love life.

Sixth House: House related to health and daily routines. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your exercise, diet, and work habits.

Seventh House: House of partnerships and social connections. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your romantic relationships, business partnerships, and friendships.

Eighth House: House related to intimacy and shared resources. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your sexual relationships, financial agreements, and investments.

Ninth House: House of education and spiritual growth. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your higher education, travel, and philosophical beliefs.

Tenth House: House related to career and public image. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your professional goals, public reputation, and leadership skills.

Eleventh House: House of social causes and group affiliations. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your community involvement, activism, and group friendships.

Twelfth House: House related to spiritual practice and subconscious mind. This is an ideal time to set intentions related to your meditation, dreams, and inner healing.

Each zodiac sign can work with this New Moon's energy in different ways to maximize its potential. Depending on the astrological house that the New Moon falls in, you can focus your intentions on the areas of life that are most relevant to you. Remember to set intentions that align with your values and aspirations, and trust in the power of the New Moon to manifest them. Happy New Moon in Taurus!

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